Fertility Scheduling Info

Thank you for considering fertility promotion visceral mobilization. If you haven't already, please also read this blog post.

The timing of sessions around your cycle is critical. For each fertility cycle, we plan on 2-3 sessions. The timing is CRITICAL! Yes it is so important I've repeated myself. We want to make sure you are not pregnant when we start and want to complete 2-3 sessions prior to ovulation in that cycle.

The first session consists of pelvic joint, pelvic / abdominal visceral mobilization, all done externally, mostly via abdomen. The second and third sessions include internal vaginal and abdominal visceral mobilization of the uterus, cervix, tubes, and ovaries. 

Please use this timing for scheduling:
Session 1 - During or just after your period. You MUST NOT be pregnant!
Session 2* - Once period ends or a couple of days later
Session 3* - In the 2-4 days prior to ovulation. OK if this is a little earlier, but not later. I would prefer to be done prior to OPK testing positive.

* If timing is too tight, it's OK to just schedule 1 session.

Please feel free to reach out with any and all questions: julianne@circlephysicaltherapy.com or call/text (206) 718-5658.